[Salon] Deep Crisis of Western Civilization

War in Ukraine as an indicator of the gravest crisis of Western civilization – New Kontinent

War in Ukraine as an indicator of the gravest crisis of Western civilization

“There should be no Russian who goes to sleep without wondering if they’re going to get their throat slit in the middle of the night.” — General Mark Milley telling Ukrainian military to inspire them ahead of operations.

Nowadays the talk about this crisis is a frequent discussion theme in the mainstream and social media.

Some, like WSJ editor Gerard Baker, talk about not just the crisis but its death “because we’re losing our soul, our sense of purpose as a society, our identity as a civilization. We in the West are in the grip of an ideology that disowns our genius, denounces our success, disdains merit, elevates victimhood, embraces societal self-loathing, and enforces it all in a web of exclusionary and authoritarian rules, large and small.”

Baker nevertheless reminds us that “liberal capitalism has done more for human prosperity, health and freedom than any other economic or political system” but he forgets to mention at what cost. When it comes to prosperity, it was achieved not only by the hard work or technological innovations but also, to an unfortunately large degree, by colonialism whereby various European nations explored, conquered, settled, and exploited large areas of the world, often to the detriment of the people already living in those colonized lands. Shall we remind that most of the looting was never compensated or returned?

When it comes to freedom shall we also forget the deadliest of the Americas, Australia, Africa, and Asia. What about slavery? According to the the great contradiction of American society was its birth as a self-proclaimed bastion of human freedom even while it created theories of race to justify slavery. 

Closer to our times, at the end of WW2 there was a spirit of camaraderie, if not brotherhood, between Americans and Russians, sometimes called the “Elbe Spirit”  that was symbolized by the meeting of American and Soviet soldiers on the Elbe River in the German city of Torgau on April 25, 1945 on the eve of their joint victory over NAZI Germany. Unfortunately, this spirit was betrayed almost immediately when thousands of Nazis and their collaborators in the United States, Canada and other Western countries, often with the direct assistance of American intelligence officials who saw them as potential spies and informants in the Cold War against the Soviet Union.  

Contributing to health? After WW2 the US has initiated, or has been directly involved in many military conflicts with wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria among the major ones. This republic of liberty has caused over 5 million civilian deaths, over 50 million refugees, and huge devastation in these countries.

As for the current war in Ukraine, the whole country was engaged by the collective West in a proxy war against Russia with whom for many centuries it was bound by close religious, historical, economic, cultural, and family ties. I placed religion first to underscore that those who declare their adherence to Judeo-Christian values and democracy have provoked the war between the two Christian nations not to promote democracy but rather, to use Ukrainians as cannon fodder to preserve the geopolitical advantage of the US.  Many leading US politicians, starting with the leader of the Senate Republicans Mitch McConnell, openly declare that supporting a proxy war in Ukraine is a very good and cheap investment since other soldiers, not Americans are dying. 

in his book “How the West Brought War in Ukraine” lays out the relevant history and explains how the West needlessly produced this conflict, subjecting its citizens—and the rest of the world—to the risk of nuclear war.  Many other well-known international experts say this war was avoidable, and it is the West who provoked the crisis and who keeps preventing its ending.

The biggest lie coming from those who want to continue this war “for as long as it takes” is that after winning in Ukraine Putin will move further west. Russia has no interest, desire or means to do it but those who benefit from the wars like the Military-Industrial Complex, corrupted Members of Congress, Think Tanks, and Media keep repeating this lie.  

After collapse of the USSR many Ukrainians, including Members of their Parliament – Rada had a different agenda which can be summarized as follows: free from the communist yoke, having strong industrial and agricultural sectors, a favorable climate and fertile land, Ukraine had great potential to become one of the most prosperous European countries.  Effective anti-corruption reforms, a certain level of autonomy for the regions with large Russian ethnic population, and neutral status with no membership in any military blocs would have made Ukraine definitely a happy and prosperous state.

However, Washington was not interested which was on full display in May 1993 when there was a trilateral meeting on Capitol Hill organized by some American NGO’s with legislators from the U.S. Congress, Russia’s Duma, and Ukraine’s Rada to discuss what the U.S. were prepared to do to help Russia and Ukraine in their difficult transition from communism to democracy.

Congressman Tom Lantos of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, who chaired this meeting, said that had Gorbachev told us in 1989 that he was prepared to dissolve USSR and the Warsaw Pact – and requested a trillion dollars to do it – Congress would most likely have agreed, authorizing 100 billion annually for a period of 10 years. However, as it turned out, the Russians did it all by themselves. So why spend U.S. taxpayers’ money when the job is already being done? “You are on your own, guys,” said Lantos. CIA director James Woolsey and other Members of Congress who spoke afterward more or less repeated the same lines.

But what they said was totally misleading since the U.S. did not leave Russia and Ukraine alone, Yankees didn’t go home. Billions of American tax dollars were poured in Ukraine, not to boost its economy but to reformat public opinion that was predominantly in favor of neutral status and against joining NATO. And here we are on the edge of the abyss.

In conclusion, let us make a thought experiment and compare the two “Magnificent Seven” teams (names in alphabetical order):

1. Tucker Carlson, Tulsi Gabbard, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Douglas McGregor, John Mearsheimer, Rand Paul, Jeffrey Sachs.

2. Lloyd Austin, Joe Biden, Anthony Blinken, Hillary Clinton, Victoria Nuland, Chuck Schumer, Jake Sullivan.

Which group would you listen to and trust?

A perfect symbol of the decay of Western civilization is its self-proclaimed leader Joe Biden, and I am not talking about his age, health condition or appearance. Do we recall the times when congressional investigators uncovered documents, bank records, FBI reports that describe the President and his family as “money laundering and a very organized criminal enterprise?”

To reverse the process of Western civilization’s decay Americans must elect a new team of leaders that direct  the country not only to prosperity but to peace and harmony with other nations on this planet.   The next year could be fateful, so there is not too much time left. According to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: “We are living in a time of unprecedented danger, and the Doomsday Clock time reflects that reality. 90 seconds to midnight is the closest the Clock has ever been set to midnight, and it’s a decision our experts do not take lightly.”

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